Report: Roberts Originally Voted to Strike Down Obamacare


…Chief Justice John Roberts originally sided with conservatives who wanted to overturn Obamacare but then switched positions on the Affordable Care Act to ultimately side with liberal justices, according to a CBS report released Sunday.

The highly detailed report, quoting anonymous sources apparently close to the Supreme Court, reveals many details concerning the super-secretive negotiations that go on behind the scenes during major deliberations…

Roberts switched positions to side with the liberal justices, perhaps in response to increasing pressure from outside the Court to rule in favor of the law, CBS reports. The conservative justices tried to lobby him back, but he wouldn’t budge and in fact attempted to convince Justice Anthony Kennedy to join him on the decision to make the court appear more unified on the issue…

Click here to read the full article.

EDITOR: Roberts must have realized that posterity would vilify him as having been on the wrong side of history with the abusive and foolish Citizens United decision followed by the trashing of the Affordable Care Act, thus reversing the efforts of half a dozen presidents, both Democrats and Republicans, over three-quarters of a century.  Also relevant was the Courts pre-Roberts accepting jurisdiction and then giving a decision in Bush vs Gore.

A decision hamstringing ‘Obamacare” would have so politicized the Court in the public eyes  as to undermine respect for an indefinite period.

In short, he backed off at the brink… and wisely so if he cares for his place in history.


1 Comment

  1. He changed his vote on Citizens United decision as well. Read

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