Report: Israel to Strike Iran by December


British intelligence chiefs have warned that Israel will launch military action to thwart Iran’s nuclear weapons development efforts as early as Christmas, according to a report in The Telegraph.

The United Nations’ International Atomic Energy Agency this week confirmed that Iran is developing a nuclear warhead that could fit on an existing missile.

“Sources say the understanding at the top of the British government is that Israel will attempt to strike against the nuclear sites ‘sooner rather than later’ — with logistical support from the U.S.,” The Telegraph reports…

Click here to read the full article.

EDITOR: This would be extraordinarily dangerous for the entire world.  If it is to happen, let us hope it is with the prior tacit consent of the Arab world.  Perhaps they are almost as apprehensive of Iranian nuclear capability as Israel.


1 Comment

  1. So here is wonderful holiday news; a war for Christmas; Fa, La, la la, la, la la, la la ! brought to you by our good friends, Israel. No doubt they will be using the bunker buster bombs we delivered to them in 2009. These bombs are improved from the ones we rushed to to Israel for use n the Lebanon bombing fields during the 2006 war, together with the cluster bombs we also supplied them for use there. Cluster bombs are horrific anti-personnel munitions which are still killing and maiming people today in Southern Lebanon as unexploded bomlets from them continue to explode as they are stepped on by rural children and adults.

    So about this coming war this Christmas; no doubt Israel wants to get this done before we leave nearby Iraq and Iran’s opposite side neighbor Afghanistan (actually we have established permanent base in each) But this Christmas time, we will have sufficient support in men and machines and munitions, of all types and sizes, to be a helpful part of the ensuing war, shedding more of our soldiers blood and our nation’s treasure to help an arrogant, self righteous, land thieving, despotic ruler wannabe, of the Middle East.

    Since we are the hard core, no exceptions, ally of Israel, their attack will be rightly viewed as an attack by us (Our bombs, our planes, our ally, our intelligence, our logistical support, our covert support, our money etc etc etc). Actually we behave more like we were the subordinate, surrogate for Israel . The tail is truly wagging the dog.

    It is my considered opinion, after following this for more than 30 years, that unless we cut Israel loose, and cut them off, and forbid the Israeli lobby, i.e a foreign government lobby (AIPAC Israel gov. et al) from spending so many millions on all our domestic (congressional and presidential) elections we will certainly be lead into world war three, a nuclear Holocaust, that will make the first pale by comparison. I do understand the Masada-like suicidal mentality of many in Israel, but it is non the less a suicidal mentality that we are enabling. The absolute madness must end.

    Iran can be dealt with without war just as Iraq could have been and Afghanistan. Iran is not Nazi Germany except in a distorted paranoia, nor is Israel. Lets use our intelligence to keep it that way. Of course, Israel has enemies! Sit down and make peace! They cannot have peace by saying all the land is theirs. It is not. Such a view insures war forever and the worst kind of war, a self righteous, “God on our side” religious war. And even if they win by force, they only sow the seeds for a greater war in the future, while brutalizing every day of the present.

    The formula for peace is well known by everyone. Give back the land taken in war, occupied, and colonized over the last 40 years. That such an expansionist policy has been largely” successful” has only hardened the Israel’s resolve to consolidate its land gains and excited its appetite for more! Indeed, Israel’s present leadership would not yield a single brick for peace even at the request of its best friend in the world. Security is not the issue. Land is the issue.

    In any case, It is not in our country’s interest to be a partner in this ongoing war of blood for land (100 to 1 Palestinian blood) for that will only continue to cost additional American lives and treasure and will end only in disaster for the entire world. Getting out now and cutting off aid of every kind will not end this idiocy, but it may limit the amount of damage Israel is able to bring to the rest of the world.

    So, if they must (who are we to prevent it), let the bombs fall (our bombs) on Iran this Christmas, like blood on snowflakes, to create a world of peace. We all know that true peace can only be achieved through a blood drenched war. Go Bibi! Go USA!

    Merry Christmas everyone . . and Happy Hanakuh!

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