Rendell, Corbett have common ground with pursuing privatized lottery

HARRISBURG PATRIOT-NEWS: One of Rendell’s post-gubernatorial gigs involves serving as senior adviser to Greenhill & Co., a Chicago-based private equity firm that is serving as the financial adviser to the Corbett administration in its lottery privatization exploration…

Rendell said that when he learned that Greenhill won the competitively bid contract to serve as financial adviser on Corbett’s privatization ventures, he told the firm to count him out…

Greenhill’s contract with the state on the lottery outsourcing exploration is structured so as to guarantee it a minimum of $3 million if the deal goes through but most likely, much more. Auditor General-elect Eugene DePasquale suggested as much as $30 million at a Capitol news conference on Thursday…  (more)

Report: Ed Rendell PA Lottery Scheme Scams Taxpayers

Former Democratic Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell may be loading his own pockets up with taxpayer money via a privatization overhaul of the PA state lottery system, Breitbart News has learned.

One of Rendell’s lucrative post-gubernatorial gigs is as a “senior adviser” to financial services firm Greenhill and Co. When he was hired in early 2011, firm chairman Robert Greenhill and CEO Scott Bok cited in a joint statement that Rendell’s “broad network of important relationships and his deep experience in government, particularly as it relates to public- private partnerships and infrastructure” as an asset to the firm.

A series of news reports and contracting system change documents show Rendell’s team has manipulated the bidding system via a series of sole-source contracts and insider deals. Rendell’s team profits from that system…  (more)

EDITOR: Same story.  Two different takes.     Also of possible interest is Bill Keisling’s article from March, 2008 concerning then governor Rendell awarding of contracts to his former law firm.



  1. We know they are all crooks but Corbett makes Rendell look like Mother Teresa.

  2. What? Fast Eddie from Phila. and his firm are on tap to PERSONALLY garner tens of millions from this deal. In fact, that is precisely why Greenhill & Co. hired him. Just exactly what is flowing into Corbett’s pockets?

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