Rendell and Casey blast McCord ad

PHILLY.COM: …The 30-second spot questions why Wolf served as chairman of the 2001 reelection campaign of York Mayor Charlie Robertson, who was indicted the day after the primary on murder charges in the death of a black woman during the city’s 1969 race riots, when he was a police officer.

Robertson acknowledged holding bigoted views at the time, but said he had changed by 2001, and he denied involvement in the killing. He was acquitted.

In recent weeks opponents have been peppering Wolf with attacks on his record as a business owner and his personal finances, attempting to chip away at what the latest public poll last week found to be a 25-point lead over McCord and Rep. Allyson Y. Schwartz. Former state environmental secretary Katie McGinty, who has not joined in the attacks, is farther behind… (more)

EDITOR: Perhaps former Gov. Ed Rendell and Senator Bob Casey are unaware of just how corrupt and bigoted York was, or just chose to ignore it. But Wolf was in the center of it and did not speak out. We find his silence and actually siding with the worst elements very puzzling and cause for concern.

Given the scant amount of information we have concerning Wolf, about to succeed in purchasing the Democrat nomination, McCord’s ad appeared to both necessary and appropriate.
