Readers deem NewsLanc right on Kane and wrong on migrants

It is educational and a bit humbling to note the overwhelming different reactions to our views by our readers on two very different subjects.

Here is a Facebook comments from this morning which sums up perhaps 85% pf responses to the articles reproduced from the Budapest Beacon and the Budapest Sentinel. “We need to keep muzlemz (sic) out of all our nations. Especially Hungary and the USA.”

Representative of the vast majority of comments re Attorney General Kathleen Kane is: “The good ole boy club is alive and well. This is an obvious attempt at a cover up of corrupt behavior that some of our elected criminals don’t want exposed.”

Since we republish the Beacon and Sentinel on NewsLanc’s Facebook site and “boost” it to well over ten thousand persons with interest in Hungary, we are getting the negative reaction largely from Hungarian ex-patriots, which run very parallel to the comments received by sister Hungarian web sites from native Hungarians. Perhaps it has to do with Hungary having been insular for at least half of a millennium rather than a nation of diverse backgrounds such as the USA.

What is lost on most of those opposed to the migrants is that refugees only asked to cross Hungary to Germany. This could have been accomplished by tickets for trains and busses. Obviously by the nature of the comments, often abusive, for Hungarians this is very emotional matter.

Also widely boosted on our Facebook site, what does the reaction so pro Kane suggest? Despite media efforts to disparage her, the public is sympathetic towards her plight. We have suggested that she would be acquitted of these very minor offenses, if they indeed occurred. We have likened her persecution to the impeachment of President Bill Clinton followed by acquittal by a majority of the Senate, far more than the required one third.

When she is acquitted, the reputation of the “old boys clubmedia will be further tarnished, if that is possible. We can expect as we draw closer to her trial, the media will begin to hedge their coverage.
