Rasmussen: Romney Closing in on Perry’s Lead


The fight for the 2012 Republican nomination for president continues to be a two-man race between Texas Gov. Rick Perry and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, although Romney has closed the gap considerably, according to Rasmussen Reports.

A Rasmussen Reports survey of likely GOP primary voters showed Perry garnering the support of 28 percent, and Romney, 24 percent. That compares with 29 percent for Perry and 18 percent for Romney before Perry appeared in his first debate with other candidates.

No other GOP challenger polls out of the single digits in the survey. Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich is at 9 percent; Rep. Michele Bachmann, 8; businessman Herman Cain, 7; Rep. Ron Paul, 6; former Sen. Rick Santorum, 3; former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman, 2; and Rep. Thad McCotter, 1…

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EDITOR: Appears that Republicans may prefer victory over ideology.
