PSU reports nearly $17 million in Sandusky costs


Penn State’s costs for legal fees, consultants and public relations firms hired to help deal with the Jerry Sandusky child sex abuse scandal have reached nearly $17 million, the university said in an online report that it updates regularly.

The university said it has spent almost $16.8 million through June 30. Nearly $10 million of that went to seven firms for what Penn State calls internal investigation and crisis communications, including a report by former FBI director Louis Freeh, who led the school’s internal investigation in the scandal and said that former coach Joe Paterno and three former school officials concealed allegations against Sandusky. Those conclusions are firmly denied by the Paterno family and the officials.

Nearly $4 million went for university legal services and defense, plus $1.6 million for the legal defense of the three former officials, former university Athletic Director Timothy Curley, former university vice president Gary Schultz and former president Graham Spanier…

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EDITOR: Just part of the price of hysteria, caused in large part  from Gov. Tom Corbett’s shifting attention from his failure to prosecute as attorney general  while accepting over $647,000 from Second Mile Foundation trustees.
