Prosecutor accuses AG Kane’s chief of staff of sexually harassing her

PITTSBURGH TRIBUNE: …Michele Kluk, 34, a Harrisburg-based prosecutor, said the incident occurred in February 2014 in a Hazleton restaurant/bar. She accused Jonathan Duecker of reaching his hand up the back of her blouse and later putting his hand on her thigh…

[Kane spokesman Chuck] Ardo said Kane “thinks this is all part of the effort to undermine her. We’ve been saying all along there’s an internal struggle” between old-guard employees and Kane. Ardo said a text message from Kluk suggests she’s being used by people who want Duecker out.

“I find it somewhat ironic that we’re dealing with a story regarding personnel issues based on a leak that is clearly in violation of laws governing employee privacy,” Ardo said… (more)

EDITOR: This report, over a year after the incident, should sharpen the growing suspicion of many that Kathleen Kane is under attack from within and without the Attorney General Office.

This isn’t to say she hasn’t made mistakes due to lack of management experience when she took the office. But most of the department was put in place under Tom Corbett during his two terms as Attorney General and kept in place while he was governor.

Things are happening that seldom if ever occur within the media and within the Department This appears to be a ‘no holds barred’ struggle.
