Preventing binge drinking and campus rapes

USA TODAY Editorial: … A bipartisan Senate measure, introduced last week, would impose hefty fines on colleges that fail to report attacks to the federal government, require training for college staff, and designate confidential advisers for students who report a rape.

Worthy proposals, perhaps, but they focus on what happens after someone is raped. More focus on prevention is needed, in particular on a binge drinking culture that leaves students more vulnerable to sexual assault and makes cases harder to prosecute…

At least half of college students’ sexual assaults are associated with alcohol use. In one study, 74% of perpetrators and 55% of rape victims had been drinking… (more)

EDITOR: The editorial makes the very same point that NewsLanc has been editorializing about for some years. Most rapes follow binge drinking. Co-eds also contribute to the problem. The entire editorial should be required reading for students, parents and college administrators.
