Pornographic email scandal roils Pennsylvania politics

WASHINGTON POST:  …Over the past 15 months, beleaguered Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane has released a steady stream of messages retrieved from a state email server that show state officials and employees trading pornographic, racist and misogynistic messages…

“That’s what separates and elevates our system of justice over all others in the world. When we learn that they are so close they are exchanging horribly improper emails with each other, we lose faith not only in the independence of the judiciary but also the judgment of both parties,” said Marc Bookman, director of the Philadelphia-based Atlantic Center for Capital Representation. “Anyone who neutrally looked at Pennsylvania and tried to gauge the quality of jurisprudence in the state would have to laugh and say, ‘What in the world is going on there?’ . . . Our justice system is about as out of control as it can get.”…

The bad blood between [Frank]  Fina and Kane goes beyond the emails. When Kane took office in 2013, she decided not to pursue criminal charges against at least five Philadelphia Democrats — including four state elected officials and a traffic court judge — who were caught accepting cash or gifts from a lobbyist. Fina had been the top prosecutor during the three-year undercover investigation…. (more)


EDITOR:   These matters cannot properly be settled within Pennsylvania.  Everybody from the prosecutors, to the attorney general, to the justices have skin in the game.   It is time for these matters to be given over to U. S. Attorney General so assure as close to a disinterested investigation as circumstances permit.


