Porngate: More than dirty pictures

PHILADELPHIA DAILY NEWS EDITORIAL: …How can Corbett not be held accountable for presiding over a culture that would tolerate such stuff? His acclaimed ignorance that it was going on is no excuse. In fact, as a leader, his cluelessness constitutes a form of permission.

Meanwhile, two people involved in this scandal are now employed by District Attorney Seth Williams; one, Frank Fina, is at its center, and is the author of many of the emails released yesterday.

Williams says he will investigate the materials before acting. It took us two minutes to review some of the emails being sent by Fina to want to vomit in disgust. It shouldn’t take Williams much longer to send a message of zero tolerance… (more)

EDITOR: The utter hypocrisy of the article is mindboggling. Having made the initial accusations against Attorney General Kathleen Kane and now having access to what she said was behind the events attributed to her, they are yet unwilling to consider her defense. What they are doing is trying to wiggle there way out of the growing public condemnation that they richly deserve. (more)
