Pope Francis Calls for Climate Action in Draft of Encyclical

NEW YORK TIMES: In the leaked document, Francis often writes eloquently, citing scientific evidence about the human role in global warming. He repeats some of his familiar themes in calling on people to move away from a consumerist model that he says is depleting resources, to the detriment of the poor, and live simpler lives. He also calls on governments to work together for solutions at the global, national and local level — while at times focusing on specifics, like his opposition to carbon credits.

“In this encyclical,” he writes, “I intend especially to engage in a dialogue with everyone about our common home.”

Encyclicals, papal teaching letters to the Roman Catholic faithful, often fail to generate much outside attention. But Francis’ pronouncement on the environment and the poor has been eagerly awaited, especially by scientists and environmentalists, as a major event… (more)

EDITOR: For the day, we too are Catholic!



  1. I hope this Pope lives long enough to see some his vision come to fruition—for the Church and for the world.

  2. Finally, a Pope who does not believe that science and a belief in __od are necessarily exclusive of each other.

    It is so interesting to watch some of the reactionary bishops and archbishops, here in the U.S., squirm under the weight of all this truth spewing forth from the Vatican!! What a change!

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