Pope Benedict’s Final Homily: “The True Disciple Does Not Serve Himself”

NEWSMAX:   …The Pope thanked those present for their support and prayers; he stressed it is never too late to return to God and that community is needed to live a life of faith.

“The true disciple does not serve himself or the ‘public,’ but his Lord, in simplicity and generosity,” the Pope said. “[We] will always be more effective the less we seek our own glory and the more we are aware that the reward of the righteous is God Himself, to be united to Him, here, on a journey of faith, and at the end of life, in the peace light of coming face to face with him forever.”

Earlier, during his weekly general audience, the Pope reassured pilgrims he had made the decision to resign: “in full freedom for the good of the Church” and that he decided to step down “after much prayer and having examined my conscience before God, knowing full well the seriousness of this act, but also realizing that I am no longer able to carry out the Petrine ministry with the strength which it demands.”…  (more)
