Poll: Sanders Now Leads Hillary in New Hampshire

NEWSMAX: Sen. Bernie Sanders is leading Hillary Clinton by seven points in the latest poll out of New Hampshire, a Boston Herald and Franklin Pierce University poll shows.

Sanders leads Clinton 44 to 37. Joe Biden follows at 9 percent support, even though he has yet to announce his candidacy. All other candidates — former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley, former Rhode Island Gov. Lincoln Chafee and former Virginia Gov. Jim Webb– got 1 percent or less.

The poll surveyed 44 Democratic primary voters Aug. 7-in the Granite State and has a margin of plus or minus 4.7 percent… (more)

EDITOR: 44 is a very small voting sample. When Fox 43 had a phone poll conducted of Lancaster sentiment that indicated 78% opposed any county guarantee of the convention center, the recommended sample was 300 and the actual poll was 400.
