Poll: Nearly half of debate watches say Obama won showdown

From CNN:

…Forty-eight percent of registered voters who watched Monday night’s third presidential debate say that Obama won the showdown, with 40% saying Romney did the better job in a debate dedicated to foreign policy. The president’s eight-point advantage over the former Massachusetts governor came among a debate audience that was slightly more Republican than the country as a whole and is just within the survey’s sampling error.

Nearly six in ten watchers say that Obama did a better job in the debate than they had expected, 15 points higher than the 44% who said that the GOP challenger had a better than expected debate performance….

By a 53%-23% margin, a CBS News poll conducted after the third debate of uncommitted voters also indicated that Obama won the showdown, with nearly one in four saying the debate was a tie.…

Click here to read the full article.

EDITOR:  CNN noted that more Republicans than Democrats watch the debates.   This is one of the factors between the differences in the polls.  While President Obama seemed far more knowledgeable and a strong leader, Governor Romney with his ‘me too’ approach accomplished the essential task of defusing criticism of him as a war monger.

For those who want to watch the debate, we recommend CNN since, at the bottom of the screen, they show the emotional results of a group of about thirty non-committed voters.   Unlike the first two debates, lastly night they overwhelminglyl favored the President… and that’s no exageration.

Big question:   Which of the various Romneys would show up next January 21?



1 Comment

  1. I don’t see how anybody could think Mitt Romney was qualified to be Commander in Chief.

    But then again, there was really nothing about Obama’s past that qualified him to be either prior to being elected President.

    If Romney wins the election it will simply be because he’s a reasonable handsome white male whose is promising everybody jobs and tax cuts in a country where people are used to being told by their political leaders what they want to hear.

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