Politics and the law clash with Corbett special counsel hiring

HARRISBURG PATRIOT-NEWS Editorial: If there was any doubt that a nationally watched challenge to Pennsylvania’s ban on same-sex marriage has a large political component, the hiring of a private attorney to defend the Commonwealth should put that notion to rest.

Former state Supreme Court Justice William Lamb will charge the taxpayers $400 an hour – a bargain by the high-priced standards of his profession — to defend the state in the federal lawsuit brought by the state branch of the American Civil Liberties Union on behalf of two-dozen gay and lesbian couples and their children….

The reason Lamb is on the case? The Corbett administration says the army of taxpayer-funded lawyers at its disposal lacks the expertise to mount an effective defense. This after Attorney General Kathleen Kane pushed it out of her office by saying that the ban was so constitutionally flawed that she could not ethically defend it… (more)
