Political donors got plenty of PennDOT’s federal stimulus aid


More than half of PennDOT’s $1 billion in federal stimulus aid went to 20 Pennsylvania companies whose executives donated about $900,000 to state and federal politicians, a Tribune-Review analysis of campaign and contract records shows.

The 20 firms received the most money from PennDOT’s stimulus share to perform bridge rehabilitation, road resurfacing and highway expansion projects. The value of each company’s package of contracts ranged from $17 million to $67 million. PennDOT considers 70 of 115 companies’ projects to be complete…

Collectively, executives and rank-and-file employees from the firms gave at least $918,100 to campaigns from 2008 to 2011, before and after President Obama and Congress approved the $840 billion American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. Some donated as much as $246,400. Others gave as little as $1,000…

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