Please bring back Ernie Schreiber!

The Watchdog has gotten out his resume and is contemplating the future and, in part, it is due to the retirement of former New Era editor Ernie Schreiber.

Upon  return from a four day trip to Eastern Europe, the Watchdog eagerly perused recent New Era editorials for grist for his own column.  Alas, they objectively discuss the predicament of the Postal Service, they praise McDonalds for  introducing healthier menus for youngsters, they criticize conservatives who stand in the way of more efficient light bulbs, and they ridicule Rupert Murdoch for failure to accept personal responsibility for the transgressions of his media outlets.  Meanwhile the combined Intelligencer Journal and New Era editorial pages publish several enlightened columnists.  (For balance, they also have some who pander to  readers who prefer to feed their predisposition with counterfactual information.)

So what is the Watchdog to rant about?   How often can he tongue lash past actions of local fools, dupes and miscreants?  And though almost always correct in his historic and economic analysis  (read the archives and you will find current cutting edge revelations), sounding the alarm about the precipitate decline of our beloved nation as a result of unprecedented favoring of the super rich and powerful gets tiresome for both writer and readers alike.  (Where is Andrew Jackson when we really need him?)   Besides, today almost everyone has been exposed to the facts, whether or not they are prepared to assimilate them into their thinking.

He looks forward to the culmination of a decade of effort:   A special tabloid NewsLanc issue devoted to the fiftieth and concluding chapter of the Convention Center Series will soon be available.  It is intended to summarize, clarify and annotate the sorry history of how the project came to be.    It will be widely read even beyond the boundaries of our community and we trust long remembered.    Nevertheless, the lessons of the past are often lost on future generations.  Indeed, history has a way of repeating itself unless we learn from it.  We believe it will be NewsLanc’s proudest work product.  Beyond that, there isn’t much more to be said on the subject other than to wish the Convention Center and the Marariott Hotel good fortune.

Nevertheless, if the Lancaster Newspapers do not lure Schreiber back from retirement to provide often biased and sometime titillating news coverage along with ignorant editorials, the Watchdog may just have to look for a new advocation.



  1. You can write about High Real Estate’s Crossings project that will add to the vacancy rates of nearby hotels (including the Marriot and Best Western), siphon customers from downtown stores and Park City, add to congestion on Harrisburg Park – in spite of some widening, partly paid for with taxpayer money – and create a bottleneck at the Norfolk-Southern Bridge (where the traffic lanes will be narrowed). In addition, it will increase water damage to homes downstream from the Crossings which will be built in a flood plain) as well as having a negative impact on the events at Long’s Park.

  2. Bring back Ernie???????……………….you’ve GOT to be kidding!!!!!!!!

    Getting rid of Ray and Marvelous Marv would be the next step. Bernard Harris is nothing more than a shill for Rick Gray and PSP….good riddance to him as well. Finally (but certainly not least of all)….ship Gil Not So Smart back whereever he came from.

    Then MAYBE we can start to have a worThwhile print media in Lancaster

    EDITOR: Oh my. Oh my.

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