Philadelphia Inquirer engages in fear mongering over Medical Marijuana

Inquirer news article “Buying medical pot for your child? Look out”  ‘reports’:

“Parents hoping to treat seriously ill children with medical marijuana cheered when Pennsylvania’s new law included a ‘safe harbor’ provision allowing them to import the medicines right away, rather than waiting for the law to take full effect in two years.

“Legal experts are now saying there may not be much to celebrate.

“The fact is, the state can’t protect residents from federal laws against moving pot across state borders.”

Half the states in the country now have laws legalizing the use of marijuana as medicine.   The federal government has for the most part taken a ‘hands off’ approach.

Can we imagine anything stupider (than perhaps the benighted Inquirer editors) than believing that the federal authorities will suddenly seize upon a technicality and prosecute Pennsylvania parents for obtaining legally prescribed medicine for their children?

Can we imagine how long a county district attorney would last in office if he or she did?  Of course if Attorney General Kathleen Kaen were the parent, the Republican district attorney might rush to have her indicted.P

Updated: June 14, 2016 — 10:01 am