“Person of the year” runs for school board

A local reporter recently asked Randolph (‘Randy’) Carney why he was running for the school board of the School District of Lancaster.  His response follows:

Why am I running for School Board?  Because I am a concerned citizen who cares very much about how our tax dollars are spent.  Students are the highest priority of our schools; taxpayers are every bit as important.

For the past half-dozen years, I have been regularly attending City Council and other public meetings, often speaking out to promote the interests of taxpayers.  Many millions of tax dollars have been spent on economic development projects in Lancaster City, too many of which have been structured in ways that deprive local taxpayers of desperately-needed real estate tax revenue.  All property owners located within the School District of Lancaster are now paying higher real estate taxes because of government-funded projects that do not carry their fair share of the tax burden.

Real estate tax rates assessed by the School District of Lancaster are more than twice as high as those collected by Lancaster City.  But school districts don’t have nearly as much flexibility to cut costs as municipal bodies do.  In Pennsylvania, schools cannot lay off teachers for economic reasons; professional staff can be reduced only by attrition, or by eliminating entire programs.  Schools in PA are also burdened with numerous other State mandates, often without adequate State funding to pay for them.

Costs are further increased by the social issues which urban schools must deal with.  Unlike most suburban districts which support a relatively homogeneous population, the SDoL must deal with multiple ethnicities, as well as with a disproportionate number of underprivileged and special-needs children.  Under the law, the educational needs of all children must be provided for.

Now Pennsylvania has a governor and legislature which has promised to close a multi-billion dollar budget deficit without raising taxes.  There can be no doubt that State funding for all local programs, including schools, will be cut substantially – most likely by percentages in the double-digits.  This
will shift the burden of tax increases from Harrisburg to local municipalities and school districts.

But homeowners cannot afford any more tax increases.  Most of us have experienced years of stagnant wages during a time when necessary costs (such as health insurance) continue to climb at a rate much higher than inflation. As a member of the board of  the School District of Lancaster, my focus will be to do everything possible to limit real estate tax increases while working for the best interests of students.

My running mates for School Board are focused on education, which is as it should be.  My personal interest in helping taxpayers get the most value for their money compliments the perspective of the other candidates.


1 Comment

  1. Randolph Carney supports Obamacare which I heard on the radio was declared by a federal judge to be unconstitutional. I don’t even support Obamacare. I wrote to my Congressman to have the program defunded.

    Randy says on his public Facebook profile that he is a “progressive”. I don’t want a “progressive” within 25 feet of my children and I don’t want him involved in making decisions on their education.

    I’ve heard a rumor that Randy abused his position of authority on his messageboard and was booted off. Why does this old guy want to be around children anyway?

    EDITOR: Two conservative federal judges have ruled obligatory participation in “Obamacare” unconstitutional. Other judges have upheld the law. The matter will ultimately be decided in the Supreme Court.

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