Pennsylvania primaries should be opened


Given the anti-incumbent sentiment pervading this election year, it might be time for much-needed reform of a key component of the electoral process in Pennsylvania…

We’re talking, of course, about opening the state’s primaries to voters who do not want to be affiliated with either major political party.

There are good reasons to do so, from a voter’s standpoint.

— Primaries are funded by all taxpayers, regardless of political affiliation.

— Closed primaries frequently allow a November general election to be decided in the May primary. A primary candidate often cross files to run as both a Republican and as a Democrat, in hopes of winning both tickets so his or her name will be the only choice on the general election ballot.

— When that happens, thousands of voters are left without a voice…

Click here to read the full article.


1 Comment

  1. I strongly disagree. When one major party has one single strong candidate, and the other party has a contested race, supporters of the strong candidate of one party might instead vote for the WEAKER candidate of the other party, virtually guaranteeing that their favorite candidate will win in the general election.

    Cross-filing should be banned under all circumstances, with no exceptions.

    To resolve the concerns outlined in this article, independent voters should be given the choice of voting on the ballot of ONE political party. If an independent voter wants to vote in the primary of one political party for one year, they should be allowed to vote in the primary for a different political party the following year if they so desire.

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