Pennsylvania Names Special Prosecutor to Review Sandusky Scandal

NEW YORK TIMES:  …H. Geoffrey Moulton, Jr., who worked in the U.S. Attorney’s office in Philadelphia, will lead the long-awaited review of the Penn State abuse case, state attorney general Kathleen Kane said in a news release on Monday…

Kane, recently elected state attorney general, was highly critical of the way the case was handled by Corbett when he was the state’s top prosecutor from 1995 to 1997 and pledged a review. She said that by convening the grand jury, Corbett failed to protect children by delaying prosecution for more than two years…

Moulton, an associate professor at Widener University School of Law, served in 1993 as a special investigator into that year’s controversial federal raid of the Branch Davidian headquarters in Waco, Texas, which led to a 50-day siege and a shootout and fire that killed 80 people… (more)

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