Pennsylvania castle doctrine opponents worry expanded self-defense rights could lead to violence


It appears all but certain that Pennsylvanians will soon have expanded self-defense rights to stand their ground anywhere they feel threatened.

That means that if you’re confronted by an armed attacker headed toward your house, you wouldn’t have to wait until he’s inside to fight back if you feel your life is in danger. And you would no longer be required to retreat before using lethal force against him.

“The state House and Senate have each approved a measure that would expand Pennsylvania’s ‘castle doctrine,’ allowing citizens to use lethal force in self-defense in any public place if they feel their life is in danger…

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EDITOR: ‘Shoot first and ask questions afterwards’ will add to tragic killings of friends, neighbors, family members and misguided kids.  Since when do we inflict the death penalty upon panhandlers and purse snatchers?

Many whites feel theatened any time they encounter three African-American or Latino teens walking towards them on a dark streeet.  That is hardly excuse for shooting them!  How about when there is an altercation with another driver and he comes towards you?

There is a funny but supposedly true story of an elderly white couple who found themselves in the elevator of a swank hotel when three tall, young, casually dressed African-American males got on.  One barked “Hit the floor” and the couple threw themselves down to the dismay and amusement of the there guys.  He was  only telling a companion to push the button for where they wanted to get off! (The guys were sports figures and they later comped the hotel bill for the couple!)

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