Penn State trustees’ retreat draws criticism over lack of transparency


…Because — according to board Chairwoman Karen Peetz — most of the trustees met at a private retreat at the university last month to lay out the new committee format, make assignments and set short and long-term goals.

Since then, the steering committee, also a new creation from the Thon-weekend retreat, has met for an hour every Sunday by phone, Peetz said in an interview with The Patriot-News. The five new committees have been meeting by phone as well…

The Penn State board of trustees must follow the public meeting rules laid out in Pennsylvania’s sunshine act. When asked how the board could have decided to fundamentally change the committee structure without holding a public meeting, Peetz replied: “No decisions were made. I would say work has begun.”…

Click here to read the full article.

EDITOR: We agree that only meetings where decisions are made need be public.  Consider that 501 (c)3 ‘Public Charity’ Lancaster General Hospital won’t even allow the public to obseve decision making, let alone attend board meetings with the exception of the federal mandated annual meeting.  Even there, LGH refused to allow public comment during the public session.
