Penn State sex abuse scandal (cover up)


A former Penn State graduate assistant cited by a grand jury report as claiming he saw an ex-assistant football coach sexually abusing a young boy in a campus locker room shower says in an email he made sure the act was stopped and then went to police — contradicting what the report says.

Mike McQueary’s comments, in an email made available to The Associated Press on Tuesday, appeared to add more confusion to a scandal that has enveloped the university and resulted in the firing of head coach Joe Paterno, the ousting of president Graham Spanier and charges of perjury against the athletic director and a senior vice president.

McQueary, now the football team’s wide receivers coach, told a friend from Penn State that he made sure the 2002 shower assault he witnessed was stopped and went to the police about it. The friend made McQueary’s email, written Nov. 8, available to the AP on Tuesday on the condition he not be identified…

Click here to read the full article.

EDITOR: As we have been surmising, the authorities long knew and were part of a cover up for crime and corruption at Penn State.  It seems incoceivable that the matter was not actively discussed with the state attorney general  for eight years during the period who was now Governor Tom Corbett.

Why is Corbett out in front of the Penn State trustees’ lynch mob?     Is he throwing sand in the public’s eyes”?  Did he supress an investigation?  Is he subject to disbarment and conceivably even criminal prosecution?
