Penn State administrators, faculty call for civility in wake of Sandusky scandal

FOX NEWS / AP: As fallout over the Jerry Sandusky child sex abuse scandal continues, Penn State’s new president and other university officials asked members of the school’s huge community on Friday to at least be polite if they cannot agree with each other…

“There are honest disagreements on fundamental issues related to whether our institution acted appropriately, how our institution handled a crisis, and whether the sanctions that resulted are appropriate,” it said. “Reasonable people can be found on all sides of these issues. The reasons for this disagreement are clear. Much is still left to interpretation and the issues have considerable emotional significance to us all. We are likely never to have the full story. We are equally likely never to reach consensus.”…

In a blog post, Jay Paterno wrote that “respect is earned and is a two-way street.” He also suggested that Penn State’s administration is fueling the incivility by creating people who feel disenfranchised… (more)

EDITOR: Many Pennsyvanians are furious over the Board of Trustees led by Gov. Tom Corbett firing Joe Paterno on his death bed, the lax and inaccurate Freed Report, and the egregious NCAA penalties which Corbett and others on the Board accepted.

As far as the governor is concerned, he will learn what Pennsylvanian voters think about his actions on the first Tuesday in November.
