Pedophile-enabling prosecutors and officials try to run PA Attorney General out of office

INFO WARS: … [Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen] Kane had fired prosecutors Frank Fina and Mark Costanzo for sending and receiving emails containing pornographic images, some with suggestive images relating to statutory rape and child pornography. WMR has obtained all 396 pages of unredacted emails and most of the images are close up photos of breasts and vaginas. However, among the images was one of a child looking at pornography on a computer screen. Another was of a young girl wearing a tank top bearing the inscription, “Admit it, you’d go to jail for this.” Some of the images sent by Fina were so suggestive, WMR decided not to publish them because they could be considered to fall under the category of borderline child pornography.

Fina and Costanzo were holdovers from the previous Attorney General reign of Republican Tom Corbett, who was elected governor. It is quite clear that Fina and Costanzo dragged their feet on the state’s investigation of convicted and imprisoned former Penn State football coach Jerry Sandusky at the behest of Corbett who was a close friend of disgraced Penn State football coach Joe Paterno…

WMR has, in the past, covered the so-called Franklin pedophile scandal centered in Nebraska, the Dennis Hastert/Mark Foley “pagegate” scandal and Hastert’s past as a pedophile high school wrestling coach, and the U.S. State Department diplomat-pedophile scandal in Southeast Asia that involved John Mark Karr. The Pennsylvania pedophile scandal involving state prosecutors who trafficked in computer porn while, at the same time, covering up for Sandusky and his fellow perpetrators, is a major story. Unfortunately, the Pennsylvania newspapers, including The Inquirer, Allentown Morning Call, and Philadelphia Daily News, are all arrayed against Kane and ignoring the smut sent and received by state prosecutors who are now being protected by Philadelphia’s D.A., the state supreme court, and the the powers who are trying to replace Pennsylvania’s attorney general with one who will return to the status quo ante of covering up for influential pedophiles and perverts in high office… (more)

EDITOR: This article should be read in its entirety because it provides additional important information.

Is the zeitgeist stirred up by the Philadelphia Daily News and Inquirer now passing and information finally becoming available from other source as to what is behind the preposterous prosecution and persecution of A. G. Kane?

The statewide media, having taken the bait from the Inquirer and editorially shouting for Kane to resign as LNP has twice done here in Lancaster, will they be prepared to open their minds and start reporting on how these state wide sex and abuse of children scandals are behind the Kane prosecution?

Who ever heard of a newspaper turning on its alleged source, as did the Daily News? The Third Estate prizes itself in defending the anonymity of sources. As state historian Bill Keisling has suggested from the beginning, this is a sordid plot to force Kane from office.

Of course, these are but the tip of the media and judiciary corruption that has long plagued the Commonwealth. If a cork isn’t put into the bottle by forcing Kane from office, are more crimes and degenerate activities, such as Jerry Sandusky’s child abuses and Wilkes-Barre judge’s imprisoning of innocent children for profit, about to become public?

Those who call for Kane’s ejection should be scrutinized the closest and this goes all the way up to the governor.
