Patriotism at the expense of the poor and the needy

In an article LGH chief exits for military service” the Intelligencer Journal New Era reports “Lancaster General Health’s top leader will take a military leave of absence — which could last up to a year —  to direct a new medical center that treats military personnel and veterans suffering from brain injuries and psychological problems…

“He will retain his salary during his military service. He was paid more than $1.3 million in 2009, according to federal tax forms.”

If Tom Beeman were taking a leave of absence without pay, his actions would  be an example of sacrifice and patriotism.

If Lancaster General Hospital were a for profit private enterprise, its willingness to pay him his $1.3 million compensation during his absence less the $100,000 he will receive from the Navy would be commendable.

But the Board of Trustees of a ‘Public Charity’ giving away $1.2 million of the public’s money to an absent employee suggests an abandonment of common sense and an abuse of fiduciary responsibility.

Despite its huge profits averaging a hundred million dollars a year, Lancaster General Hospital provides scant money for its clear cut health and education responsibilities as it is.

Has Beeman no sense of shame?

Have the trustees no sense at all?

If attorney Alex Henderson and the other trustees want to give  $1.2 million to Beeman, let them pay it out of their own pockets.  They can afford to do so.   But those in need can’t afford it and shouldn’t go without  care to make Beeman the highest paid captain in the U. S. Navy.
