Pat Toomey’s role in “Fast Track” of trade bill debate

During the time allocated by the Senate for debate on the contentious Pacific Trade Pact, Foreign Affairs Committee Chair Bob Corker (R – TN) urged giving “Fast Track” approval to the President as a matter of national security.

Then Senator Pat Toomey (R-PA) was recognized to speak.

Did he rise to support Corker’s position? Or would he assert that “Fast Track” gave too much power to President Obama?

Hundreds of thousands watched or listened by means of the C-SPAN broadcast of the long awaited and vital debate.

So what did Sen. Toomey have to say? Absolutely nothing!

Toomey simply seized the public spotlight to praise the University of Pennsylvania for progress with medical research.

How dumb, brazen and contemptuous of the intelligence of his constituency can he be?

P. S. After posting the above, we received an e-mail from the Toomey campaign which included the following: “Stand with me in calling for the House of Representatives to stop Fast Track!” So now he tells us.
