Paraphernalia law also needs reform

Saturday’s New Intelligencer indicated that Michael E. Rivera was arrested for trying to steal two comforters from JCPenney at Park City. He was not only cited for retail theft but he also faces a “drug paraphernalia possession charge” after he was found with a syringe.

You can now buy syringes without a prescription, but you can’t possess them?  Under the constitutional guarantee of “equal protection of the laws”, we should demand that every pharmacist in the county be arrested for possession of drug paraphernalia with intent to sale.

Pennsylvania code specifically states that if you “conceal” a syringe upon your person, that’s a violation of the assault law, and that strikes me as unreasonable. Can the sheriff issue “concealed carry” permits for syringes to people who self-administer subcutaneous, intra muscular or intravenous medication?

Either that, or we should demand that the prosecutor and the cops take an IQ test, and lose their job unless their score is higher than room temperature.
