Pa. Gov. Tom Corbett ties aid to open records

From the HARRISBURG PATRIOT-NEWS: As Penn State students clamor for more state aid in hopes of avoiding higher tuition bills, Gov. Tom Corbett has put the university on notice.

If Penn State wants taxpayer money, the university must accept the full-disclosure requirements of the state’s open-records law, Corbett says.

Sparked by the Jerry Sandusky child sex abuse scandal that has exposed the secrecy in which Penn State’s leaders have operated, Corbett said he plans to talk to state lawmakers about forcing Penn State to make a decision: Is it a public or private institution?

Click here to read the full article.

EDITOR: It is time the state and the Lancaster Newspapers make the same demand of Lancaster General Health.   They are a 501 (c)3 ‘Public Charity’ but they act as though they are the Mafia.



  1. Mafia could learn a few tricks from the LGH gang.

  2. While we’re talking about ‘full disclosure’….how about Penn Square Partners revealing the financials of the Hotel Marriott which is ‘owned/funded’ by taxpayer dollars!!!!!!

    We DESERVE to know what the bottom-line is on this venture.

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