Pa. Bar rejects Republican Supreme Court pick, who fights back

PENN LIVE: Anne Covey, the judge most famous for her involvement in the NCAA Pennsylvania State University case, has been asked by the state Bar Association to withdraw from this year’s historic Supreme Court election.

The Harrisburg-based PBA, which represents 29,000 attorneys, interviews candidates, reviews their backgrounds and makes recommendations prior to party endorsements. Their recommendation — or rejection — can be a major influence on the race because political parties and voters often have very little information about the candidates…

Based on its usual custom and prior to the party’s endorsement, the PBA offered to not release their rejection of Covey if she agreed to withdraw. They made the same offer to Montour County District Attorney Rebecca Warren, but she opted to remain in the race and accept the publication of their rejection… (more)

EDITOR: Considering her pressing for the truth concerning the NCAA handling of the Penn State controversy, Covey may be the most popular judge in the state.
