Overcoming the Poverty Trap

EDITOR: The following is from “The End of Poverty” by Jeffrey D. Sachs, Pg. 73:

“When countries get their foot on the ladder of development, they are generally able to continue the upward climb.  All good things tend to move together at each rising rung:  higher capital stock, greater specialization, more advanced technology, and lower fertility.  If a country is trapped below the ladder, with the first rung too high off the ground, the climb does not even get started.  The main objective of economic development for the poorest countries is to help these countries to gain a foothold on the ladder.  The rich countries do not have to invest enough in the poorest countries to make them rich; they need to invest enough so that these countries can get their foot on the ladder.  After that, the tremendous dynamism of self-sustaining economic growth can take hold.

“Economic development works.  It can be successful.  It tends to build on itself.  But it must get started.”
