Other presidents took on high court before Obama


In taking on the Supreme Court for the second time in three years, President Obama is following in the footsteps of Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln and Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

When Obama challenged the court Monday by saying a decision to strike down his landmark health care law would be “an unprecedented, extraordinary step,” his words touched off a week-long controversy over the court’s right to judicial review and the president’s use of the bully pulpit.

Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell became the latest and high-ranking critic on Thursday. In a speech to the Rotary Club of Lexington, Ky., McConnell said Obama “not only tried to publicly pressure the court into deciding a pending case in the way he wants it decided, he also questioned its very authority under the Constitution.” The president, McConnell said, should “back off.”

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EDITOR: President Obama is setting the stage so that, if the Court finds against Affordable Care Act, criticism will be directed towards the Court and not towards the Democrats and him.   This very political Court has to take into consideration that in the eyes of the public and history that they have trampled the Constitution by making George W. Bush president (rather than properly allowing the House of Representatives to have done so since the majority of the states would have approved his election) and with the Citizens United Decision.  Turning down ‘Obama Care’ could bring about a voter backlash in the November election that would overwhelming elect Democrats to office.


1 Comment

  1. Now that’s a SCAREY thought!!!!

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