Oped: Camelot has much to offer Pennsylvania and its lottery

HARRISBURG PATRIOT NEWS Op-Ed: …In some key ways, Camelot’s approach to running lotteries differs from what you see in most U.S. state lotteries. In the U.S., a few demographics tend to play a lot, and most groups hardly play at all. By definition, that’s a regressive approach that no one would call good public policy.

Camelot’s approach is the opposite — in the UK, most adults play the lottery, but only in a modest way. More than 70 percent of the adult UK population play the lottery, but they typically spend the equivalent of only a few dollars a week.

This philosophy has enabled Camelot, to date, to return more than $60 billion to Good Causes, including $3.3 billion for the 2012 Olympics in London. As a result, our contract has been renewed three times by the United Kingdom. In our current contract extension to 2023, we have committed to producing $2.7 billion in new lottery funding… (more)

EDITOR: This is so laughable as to be pathetic, as though the operator of a national  lottery determines its culture. If this is the best argument they can muster, they should be rejected out of hand.
