One column, three subjects

1) Zbigniew K. Brzezinski, former National Security Advisor, gave a short but trenchant analysis of the ISIS danger on Good Morning America, stating that if the USA introduces our troops on the ground, we will start a twenty year war against Islam that will spread from the Middle East through Asia. He contends we must induce and support Arab nations to provide ground forces, He identified likely allies in the struggle against ISIS the Turks, Egypt, Iraq and Iran.

2) President Barack Obama spoke with a group of start-up CEO’s on the West Coast yesterday. When he took questions, he discoursed without hesitation and for several minutes each and in detail on the most complex of subjects. Starting with Franklin Roosevelt, through Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton, we have never experienced such broad knowledge, lucidity and perhaps intellect in a president. One could hardly tell a difference from when he was speaking from a speech or extemporaneously.

3) We need to remind ourselves that the Lancaster Newspapers, Inc. is a business for profit and its editorials are meant to present the views of readers and advertisers. It is bad enough that the editorial writers have to live with themselves without us casting aspersions concerning their values and common sense.
