Occupy movement demonstrations marred by agents provaceutors and a few violent nut

Over a pleasant dinner with Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, MD, yesterday evening in Towson, MD,  the couple discussed the recent protests which they helped lead in Chicago at the NATO gathering and explained the problems they faced.

As is often the case with protest movements, a few people have infiltrated whose aims and values are very different from those espoused and agreed to by the vast majority of the other participants.

There are those few individuals who do not share the message or values of the demonstrators but who want to draw attention by violence against police and they surge to the front.

There are also ‘protestors’ who are working for the authorities.  In some cases (but far from all), they are there to start trouble to discredit the demonstrators.   More often they simply serve the useful role of communicating to the authorities the benign nature of the gathering.

The couple  lamented that the result brought about by the violent few  are headlines and articles that place the demonstration in a bad light.  This obscures their message from being heard or written about.

However, at times there are unprovoked police harassment and even arrests of person who are or plan to demonstrate 

We received the following from Kevin Zeese this morning:

Here’s an article on the attack on journalists at the NATO protests. The final video is an archived livestream of journalists being harassed by the police before the protests — car pulled over, guns drawn, searched (aggressively) and allowed to go. They believe the livestreaming of the event is what saved them from a worse fate.”
