Obama less liberal than Eisenhower and Nixon

The Republican party of 30 years ago was far more practical, pragmatic, and realistic than what is being passed off as Republican today.

For the record, I was registered Republican for a decade starting in the early 1970s. As the 80s progressed, my conscience convinced me to change my party affiliation to Democratic. It wasn’t me that changed that much, it was the Republican party that moved from the center toward the right, while the Democratic party moved toward the center.

What do I mean by that? Compare the records of Presidents Dwight Eisenhower and Richard Nixon (the good parts) to that of Barack Obama; both Republicans were in fact a bit more liberal that our current President.



  1. In the immortal words of Richie Ashburn…….”Hard to believe, Harry”!!!!!

    Barack Obama can probably lay claim to creating the most dysfunctional Congress of all Presidents. Don’t know that I can give him much credit for more than that. It is so sad that the GOP has no viable candidate to consider. I shudder at the thought of four more years of this regime.

  2. You can’t blame the President for the Congress which was elected by the people. Unless you honestly believe that it is the President’s responsibility to abdicate their Constitutional duties and allow the U.S. House of Representatives to govern the country…

  3. The greatest attribute that any President could have would be the ability to get the members of the Senate and House to meet halfway and find common ground. Unfortunately, precious few of our Presidents have seen that as a virtue of their office.

    BOTH sides of the aisle are guilty of strong partisanship, and most of our past Presidents have towed the line of the party they represented; rather than representing the citizens of this country that they were elected to serve. 2012 shapes up to be a continuation of the ‘same old, same old’; regardless of who eventually sits in the White House.

    The originators of the Constitution, the founders of freedom, and the earliest advocates of our citizenry must be rollling in their graves, Unfortunately, this ‘atmosphere’ trickles down through the states, the counties, and all municipalities.

    We should ALL shed a tear for America.

  4. How is the President supposed to get members of the House to meet halfway and find common ground when they are determined to have their way at all costs? Many of the Tea Party freshmen in Congress have vowed to never compromise.

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