Obama announces framework for cutting deficit by $4 trillion over 12 years

EDITOR: The Intelligencer Journal New Era only published a front page “Analysis” of President Obama’s historic speech.  Nevertheless, a news account along with the entire the text can be seen below.  The coverage of the Financial Times can also be read.


President Obama entered the debate about the national debt on Wednesday after months on the sidelines, offering a plan to trim borrowing by $4 trillion over the next 12 years by combining deep cuts in military and domestic spending with higher taxes on the wealthy.

Read the transcript

In a stinging rebuke to Republican budget-cutters, Obama acknowledged that the debt must be tackled faster than he has previously proposed, but he rejected GOP calls to make fundamental changes to Medicare and Medicaid and to scale back his initiative to expand health-care coverage to the uninsured.

“We don’t have to choose between a future of spiraling debt and one where we forfeit investments in our people and our country,” he said. “To meet our fiscal challenge, we will need to make reforms. We will all need to make sacrifices. But we do not have to sacrifice the America we believe in. And as long as I’m president, we won’t.”

Click here to read the full article.
