Tom Wolf: Now is the time for Gov. Corbett to approve a shale tax to pay for Pa. schools

HARRISBURG PATRIOT-NEWS Op Ed: ..Now is the time to get to work and craft a plan that lays out how to best share in the benefits of the Marcellus Shale to enhance our economy.

With the revenue generated from a 5 percent severance tax, we can give our kids the tools they need to succeed and build economic security for generations of families across the Commonwealth.

We can build a 21st century infrastructure that will lead to long-term job growth. And we can protect our most important natural resource – our environment… (more)

EDITOR: Ain’t likely to happen. As in 2010, Corbett needs millions from Marcellus Shale interests to fund his election campaign.


1 Comment

  1. Tom Wolf has failed to fully explain his rational. Pennsylvanians have long increased school funding, some 200% above inflation, and yet taxpayers get no measureable improvement. Some are even calling for the end of measuring student performance. Wolf want to tax the energy we use because taxpayers are fed up with the property tax. He is hoping we won’t notice an increase in our energy bills and he didn’t notice the LIHEAP problems last winter.

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