NEWSLANC salutes improved newspaper journalism

Five years ago much reporting in the Lancaster newspapers was sloppy, sophomoric, and often biased.

Recently, articles have been largely accurate, well researched,  and impartial.

Is the change the result of the merger of morning and afternoon editions, permitting a pruning of staff and perhaps better compensation to attract and keep qualified journalists?

Has it been in part due to the critiques of the Watchdog?

We suspect that it is in large part the result of the restoration of staff pride after the sordid episodes of misrepresentations concerning the Convention Center project and the Grand Jury investigation that was allowed to run amok and was used by the newspapers as a vindictive witch trial of past county commissioners, and the disgraceful and perhaps felonious intrusion by Intell reporters, with the permission of its editor, of confidential state coroner records.

Our newspapers reflect the very soul of our community.   We in Lancaster can again take pride in the quality of our local print medium.

Nevertheless, the Watchdog remains on the job.
