Newark mayor Cory Booker announces candidacy for U.S. Senate

NJ.COM: … “I am here because I believe people who care can find solutions to even the most difficult problems. I am here because, when we work together, I know from experience that there is no problems we can’t solve,” [Newark mayor Cory] Booker said. “I am here today because I know who we are and what we are capable of doing together for New Jersey and for this nation.”

Former U.S. Sen. Bill Bradley (D-N.J.) introduced Booker, saying it was an honor that Booker was running for the seat Bradley once held.

“I believe the right kind of politics allows us to see something bigger than ourselves,” Bradley said. “It allows politicians to appeal to our better nature. And it allows citizens to have faith in their neighbors, in people, in humankind. The reason I am here today is because I believe Cory Booker embodies that kind of politics and is that kind of leader… (more)

EDITOR: Booker as the postential of becoming the next African American president.
