Editorial Penn State: Lessons Not Learned” opines:

“If it were possible to compound the reasons for outrage over the serial child rape committed at Penn State, Gov. Tom Corbett took a brazenly misguided step in that direction Wednesday. The governor filed a federal lawsuit to force the N.C.A.A. to revoke the highly deserved sanctions imposed on the school and its powerful football program for a scandal that reached the highest levels of the university.

“Governor Corbett barely mentioned the young victims in complaining that the state’s economy, its citizens, students and, of course, the all-important Pennsylvania State University football fans were being unfairly penalized for the abuse and rape of children by Jerry Sandusky, the imprisoned former assistant coach who for years used the football program as a lure for his young victims.”

WATCHDOG: Growl.   This ‘bleeding heart’ editorial conflates the sordid crimes of Jerry Sandusky with whether the NCAA acted in accordance with its charter and by-laws in depriving past football teamsof their victories  and current  students of the benefits of $60 million dollars in endowment money.

This is a very legitimate issue and will be decided where it should be…in the federal court, not the NCAA.

The wild card here is if new information comes out as to why the NCAA felt felt  it needed to take such draconian actions and Penn State’s board (on which Corbett sits) agreed to the penalties.   Maybe then we will learn why for thirteen years everyone from child welfare workers, to district attorney and to attorney general buried their heads in the sand rather than prosecute Jerry  Sandusky.
