New figures on shale gas optimistic


The Marcellus shale’s bounty of natural gas is likely close to some of the most optimistic early projections, according to the private sector and university researchers who have been butting heads with federal analysts over the size.

The mile-deep rock layer probably has about 500 trillion cubic feet of commercially recoverable gas, say new, separate reports from consultant groups ICF International and IHS Inc., reports that were the subject of a research conference on Monday at Penn State University. The amount of gas in the Marcellus has been in dispute for several years, and accurate data are crucial for long-term policy decisions being made in Harrisburg and Washington, experts said.

“When you see conflicting or at least apparently conflicting information out there, it has implications,” said Patrick Henderson, Gov. Tom Corbett’s top energy adviser. “It can send a signal for people who want to do business in Pennsylvania that maybe it’s not as promising as what was thought.”

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