New Era blows kiss at F & M security

In the combined Sept. 13 issue, the New Era ran a front page article about Maureen Kelly, Director of Public Safety at Franklin and Marshall, in which they fail to pose questions about recent controversies and pressing current issues, and do not provide balance by providing comments from critics of the security force.

The article properly describes Kelly’s personal history and the cooperation her staff has been given to the Secret Service for the protection of the presidential and vice-presidential candidates.

But there isn’t a single word about the controversy swirling around F&M’s treatment of reporters of the Lancaster Post, the use of bogus “Defiant Trespass” letters to intimidate scores of critics, and public concern about F&M’s joint police jurisdiction for the campus and within 500 yards of any property owned by the college.

The article is another example how the Lancaster Newspapers propagandize on behalf of F & M, Lancaster General Hospital and The High Group, an alliance that serves their individual interests and enable the Big Four to exercise undue influence on the region.
