Editorial “Health-care plan covers too much” states “We hope the result is something simpler and better than the 2,000-page bill the House produced.”

Later it adds, “Pitts and many Republicans would open up the system to more private competition among insurers, which would encourage lower prices.”

WATCHDOG: Those making a fuss about the “2,000-page bill” may not be aware that it is printed in very large type for the benefit of elderly senators. Also it contains much information concerning how the proposed plan would dovetail with current law. One senator stated on Public Radio that the actual new material is no longer than a typical Harry Potter novel or past major health care legislation.

A wag of the tail for New Era for expressing Republican concerns about the lack of provisions to encourage competition by health care insurers across state lines. Some believe this could be one of the most important ways to bring down current astronomical health care costs.
