NBC/WSJ Poll: Shutdown Doing Major Damage to GOP and Congress Popularity

TIME: Sixty percent of Americans say that if given the chance, they would vote out every single member of Congress, including their own representative, according to a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal Poll.

The number of people willing to fire their elected representatives is the highest in the history of the survey, according to NBC News. Only 35% of those surveyed said they would keep their representative.

The NBC poll also shows how damaging the shutdown has become for the GOP – 55% of those surveyed blame Republicans for the shutdown, while 31% point the finger at President Obama. That 22-point margin is even wider than the one Republicans received in the 1995-96 shutdown. And in even worse news for the GOP, while Obamacare still isn’t popular, it’s becoming less unpopular over time. Last month, only 31% of the public thought the Affordable Care Act was a good idea; that number has now climbed to 38%… (more)


1 Comment

  1. The simple fact of the matter is ANY poll that has NBC, MSNBC, CBS or SBC affiliated with it in any way, shape or form; will have the results skewed to favor the Democrats and protect Obama (at all costs!!) and will denigrate the conservatives within this country.

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