NATO says Russian troops in Ukraine amid fears of all-out war

AFP: NATO on Wednesday accused Russia of sending tanks, troops and military hardware to east Ukraine, raising fears of renewed all-out fighting and calling into question the Minsk peace deal.

Moscow denied the claims as “unfounded” and the deputy ambassador to the United Nations, Alexander Pankin, told an emergency Security Council meeting that the alliance was making “another foray into propaganda.”…

“We have seen columns of Russian equipment, primarily Russian tanks, Russian artillery, Russian air defence systems and Russian combat troops entering into Ukraine,” US General Philip Breedlove, NATO’s commander in Europe, said in Sofia… (more)

EDITOR: Vladimir Putin is indeed a tragedy of our times. President Barack Obama was not only right to get our soldiers out of Iraq and Afghanistan but farsighted to put us in a position to reinforce NATO in Central Europe. Fools wanted us to go to war in Syria despite our not having any clear ally.

It may be time for the Ukraine to request and NATO to send troops. Putin only understands force.
