Mysterious demonstration for Kane scheduled for Thursday in Harrisburg

By Robert Field

“To be or not to be”. To borrow from Shakespeare’s Hamlet, that seems to be the question concerning the demonstration mysteriously and minimally promoted allegedly in support of Attorney General Kathleen Kane for Thursday
 from 1:00pm – 2:30pm

 at the Pennsylvania Judicial Center, 601 Commonwealth Ave, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120

Who are the organizers? Unknown.

How to get information? Unknown.

Are there to be speakers? Unknown.

What efforts have been made to transport people from out of town? Apparently none.

Will this timid effort truly help Kane or will the result of a small turnout be used as evidence by statewide media that Kane has no support?

If so, is this due to inexperience on the part of whoever is behind the effort or is this indeed a plot by ‘agents provocateurs’ to further undermine our first elected and first female attorney general.

The anonymous news release aptly states “We, the people of Pennsylvania, spoke loud and clear on November 6, 2012 during the Attorney General election. We voted for the person that we, the citizens of Pennsylvania, wanted to be in charge of our more prestigious level of law enforcement. We wanted a non-politician who was ethical, intelligent, a fighter, an outsider of the political world, an ambassador for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, a leader, and most importantly, someone passionate about cleaning up our state.”

“If you remove Kathleen Kane from the AG position, you are violating her constitutional right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty, and more importantly, you will be nullifying over 3 million votes that were cast in her favor in 2012.”

With concern, we wrote to another experienced political activist:

“Well-meaning fools scheduled and announced a demonstration and then apparently are doing nothing to support it. I can’t even find out who they are!

Moreover, they think they know what they are doing.

They capture the event and bar others who know better from helping out. They think initial news articles are success and don’t recognized the implications of failure.

I ran into this with political campaigns and also with drug policy reform. Two thirds of my efforts were in struggling with the organizers to get them to do constructive things. It is about egos, not success?”

The response: “Urgh — well-meaning fools are an obstacle. Sometimes they are even infiltrators who intentionally ‘take action’ (or pretend to so no one else will) and then intentionally blow it; more often they are just incompetent and if so, if it is important to you, you have to take over.”

You can’t help out if you can’t make contact!

NewsLanc will be there to cover the event. But we do so with great apprehension.



  1. I guess the writer is incapable of simple Facebook research. Citizens4Kane Facebook page has the information on the upcoming rally. If I found it, I would think a “reporter” could find it unless he “chose” not to find it. Sad display. Journalistic integrity is nearly extinct.

    As I understand it, this is a group of non-partisan citizens gathering together to support the denial of Kathleen Kane’s due process rights. It’s pretty sad when the #PornGate #PornDogs, like Frank Fina and his gang, get away with sharing porn on the taxpayer’s dime, on the taxpayer’s computers, in the taxpayer’s building; yet the one lone sole who had the guts to expose them and the corruption which has taken over this Commonwealth is now being attacked.

    EDITOR: We linked to their site. We provided the scant information they shared. And we quoted from them. What more could we do?

    Why the big mystery about who they are? Does someone call a party and then make no provisions for it?

    What ever their motivations, through this lackadaisical approach they may be doing more harm that good for A. G. Kane. And that would be a pity. She has enough enemies without friends like this.

  2. Please read this article an see what you think?? Could it be that Kane is onto something big?? Why are the ones she’s pointing fingers at trying to get her out of office so fast?? Some good questions that need to be answered.

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