Mubarak concessions ‘insufficient’


Unimpressed by president Hosni Mubarak’s speech on Tuesday night, in which he vowed not to renew his rule,  thousands of Egyptian protesters remain holed up in Cairo’s central Tahrir Square, adamant in their demand that the president must step down…

Al Jazeera’s Jane Dutton, reporting from Cairo, said there is now a “real standoff” between anti-government Egyptians and Mubarak, with neither side seeming to budge in the others’ direction.

The ball is now in the protesters’ court, Dutton said.

“[Mubarak]  has given them what they want. He has said he will step down, just not yet. And he has offered them all these concessions, demands that they have made over many years, for other parties to run in the elections, for there to be a fixed term under the president.”

“But it’s too and little too late,” Dutton added. “People are angry that these sort of changes are being imposed or suggested under a dictatorship, under this regime. They want him to go and they want him to go now.”

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